"High-schooler" vs. "high schooler" - English Language & Usage …
Mar 24, 2014 · By far the preferred nomenclature was high school student. High schooler was a distant third, and high-schooler barely mapped. This result was surprising given the rule of hyphenating compound adjectives, but I guess that high school without a hyphen is a …
in high school / at high school | WordReference Forums
Mar 2, 2009 · At/In High school b) When I was In/at high school IN Use 'in' with spaces: in a room / in a building; in a garden / in a park; Use 'at' with static (non-movement) verbs and places: at the cinema; at work; at home; AT Use 'at' with places: at the bus-stop; at the door; at the cinema; at the end of the street
"In school" vs "at school" - English Language & Usage Stack …
In this case, either one will work just fine, because children who are at school (on the school grounds) are also, by default, in school (in their classrooms). On a holiday, they are neither in school nor at school, so you can use either preposition without any loss of meaning. The one exception may be if the football team had a Saturday practice.
Grammar School vs. High School - WordReference Forums
Jan 18, 2018 · To add to Keith Bradford's reply, 'High School' in England is merely part of a school's name. Skipton Girl's High School, for instance, is actually a grammar school. There are also a few instances of schools with 'grammar school' in the title, which aren't actually grammar schools in the way the term is usually used, such as 'Manchester Grammar ...
What to call Primary School + High School, but not College
Mar 25, 2015 · I went to a K-8 school, but it did have different terms for what the grades were. Kindergarten was just kindergarten, grades 1-3 were elementary school, grades 4-5 were grade school, and grades 6-8 were middle school. After that, I went to …
Can “alma mater” refer to any school you’ve graduated from, not …
They have a tradition of "introducing" each team's starters with a video snippet, where the player states his name and alma mater (e.g., "Tony Romo, Eastern Illinois University"). Some time back, a few players started saying the names of their high …
What's the difference between "teacher" and "professor"?
May 27, 2013 · teacher someone who teaches as their job, especially in a school : a high school teacher. principal ( also headteacher British English ) the teacher who is in charge of a school or college : The teacher sent him to the principal’s office. tutor someone who gives private lessons to one student or a small group of students. In Britain, a tutor ...
I'm a teacher and I teach at/in school OR at/in a school
Feb 29, 2016 · I teach high school here at a private school. (SPOK) I teach history in high school. (SPOK) I teach religion in high school. (SPOK) with school as modifier (11 hits) The possible construction is no preposition + zero article. I teach high school English. (SPOK (1 time), FIC (4 times)) I teach high/middle school students. (SPOK (2 times), MAG (1 ...
to graduate from high school | WordReference Forums
May 7, 2009 · I know that the French do not have a high school graduation ceremony like we do in the U.S. but I want to translate: He graduated from high school. Would either of these be correct? Il a terminé le lycée. Il a terminé la terminale.
capitalization - Is the word 'varsity' capitalized when it follows the ...
Sep 5, 2015 · The vast majority capitalize "X High School" (presumably because the authors recognize that they are dealing with a proper name). As deadrat's answer implies, most then split between all-lowercase for "varsity football team" or all-initial-caps for "Varsity Football Team."