Becky! Internet Mail - RimArts Inc.
You can view and write HTML mail within Becky! using Microsoft IE's inline component. The useful "Template" feature allows you to create templates for everyday's fixed work, that will incredibly save your time. The friendly "Reminder" feature allows you to deliver messages from you to you on the scheduled date.
Becky! Internet Mail - 有限会社リムアーツ - RimArts
この機能により持ち出されたBecky!は、システムレジストリに手を加えませんので、出先のPCでも安心して使用できます。 「クエリー保存」機能により、クエリー検索でヒットするメールの一覧を、仮想フォルダとしてツリー上に表示することが可能です。
Becky! Internet Mail - RimArts, Inc.
You can view and write HTML mail within Becky! using Microsoft IE's inline component. The useful "Template" feature allows you to create templates for everyday's fixed work, that will incredibly save your time.
Becky! Internet Mail - 有限会社リムアーツ - RimArts
シーラカンスソフト - Becky!用の、学習型迷惑メール対策プラグイン「深海魚フィルター」を開発されている、シーラカンスソフトさんのサイトです。 ※Becky!関連のページで、ここのリンクにのせてもいいよ、という方はご一報いただけるとうれしいです。
RimArts, Inc.
RimArts, Inc. is the developer of the popular e-mail client "Becky! Internet Mail" Click
30 days trial FREE! - rimarts.co.jp
See the list of features below then test drive the fully functional shareware release of Becky! FEATURES. Windows Explorer like look & feel; Multiple accounts management: You can manage multiple mail accounts up to 10, and switch to each of them quickly. You can do every operation, except sending and receiving, off line.
有限会社リムアーツ - RimArts
有限会社リムアーツは、Windows用メールソフト「Becky! Internet Mail」の開発・販売元です。 Becky! のダウンロードはこちら
Privacy Policy of RimArts Inc.
Becky! Internet Mail (Becky!) is a fully featured Windows e-mail client which you can download at RimArts website. To set up Becky!, you will need to enter infomation such as your name, e-mail address, user id, and password(optional) to access your e-mail account.
Termsofservice - RimArts
Becky! Internet Mail License Agreement RimArts, Inc.-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Please read the following agreement ...
Dana Text Editor - RimArts Inc.
Its highly functional editing feature is inherited to the popular e-mail client "Becky!". Features. MDI text editor: You can open 100 files to edit.(depends on your machine's memory.) High-speed file open: You can open a mega bytes file in a moment! Bookmark: You can mark a certain line in text. And you can jump to each marked line from the list.