The Legend of Baboo, a heartwarming story of a boy and a dog fighting a demonic invasion with mythology from Turkish folklore ...
Former PlayStation Europe boss, Chris Deering, has revealed that Sony's exclusivity bid on the PS2 GTA trilogy was response ...
Publisher Curve Games and developer IronOak Games will release turn-based roguelite tabletop RPG For The King II for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series, and Xbox One on December 12, the companies ...
Xbox Game Pass subscribers across Xbox Series X and PC have been warned that a huge new day one game has some serious issues.
The VGChartz sales comparison series of articles are updated monthly and each one focuses on a different sales comparison ...
Genshin Impact may have launched in 2020, during the COVID-era, no less. However, it still took a couple of precious years to ...
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How to Fix Xbox One Green Screen of Death Error
Xbox One was launched in 2013, and the company stopped the device’s production in 2020 to focus on the Xbox Series X/S.
Xbox One, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X user justs lost access to a wide range of Xbox 360 games from SEGA.