A new documentary film tells the story of a captured orca named Tokitae that died in 2023 amid efforts to free her from more ...
Samples of whale shark skin reveal signs of possible diseases and pollutants, showing just how deeply human activity may ...
In 1987, killer whales in Puget Sound donned salmon “hats,” carrying dead fish on their heads. Now, a photo of an orca has ...
A new study details how, in the Gulf of California, a pod manages to carry out coordinated attacks against the largest fish ...
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Scientists have observed orcas working as a team to hunt large whale sharks in the Gulf of California.
Photos and videos of the apex predators reveal how they engage in coordinated hunts in Mexican waters to take down juvenile ...
It is the world’s rarest whale, with only seven of its kind ever spotted. Almost nothing is known about the enigmatic species ...
Orcas have been up to all sorts of things in 2024 – from sinking boats to reinstating fashion trends, these super-intelligent ...
An especially popular killer whale put a dead fish on his head, in a throwback to a fashion last seen in the 1980s.
A pod of killer whales has developed "unique" skills to hunt the world’s biggest fish. The orcas have been spotted in the ...