Over the course of the next two weeks, more than 100 countries and organisations will make submissions on the topic, the highest number ever before the Hague-based court.
Lawyers from Simmons & Simmons have been supporting the creation of a new legal framework that could transform environmental ...
In a case that could affect thousands of property owners and beaches visited by millions of people along California’s 1,100-mile coastline, a state appeals court has indicated it will uphold rules ...
Marine pollution is a problem, but people are working to clean up the oceans, as a video shared on TikTok shows.
ENSO, The typical star player of seasonal forecasting is in a funk— the mighty La Niña —is sputtering. While La Niña ...
Marine scientists have identified and named a mysterious creature of the deep sea after studying the elusive sea slug for twenty years.
OCEAN PARK — An Ocean Park woman found herself in hot water after a woman used her name to evade a criminal case in South Bend. The woman reported the ...
One of his most viral videos, liked by a whopping 4.7 million users, sees Luke in the middle of the ocean with a paddleboard, ...
An extreme heat wave off California’s coast seemed like an anomaly 10 years ago. But as the ocean warms, the catastrophe may ...