From standard deductions to adoption credits, the IRS has announced major updates that could impact your tax return this year ...
Whether it's a summer job or a full-time position, some students may have to file an income tax return — and it could give ...
The IRS cautions taxpayers not to rely on receiving a refund by a certain date, especially when making major purchases or ...
Forms 1099 can be wrong. Say you were paid a consulting fee of $30,000, but the 1099 you receive is for ten times that, $300,000? What should you do?
Whether they're filing taxes for the first time or unsure how the IRS and tax rules work, Gen Zers are susceptible to falling ...
Qualified seniors can receive help with tax preparation and e-filing at more than 20 locations throughout the Chicago area.
Could a 10% flat tax — based on traditional notions of tithing — bring more sanity and equity to the U.S. tax code?
Even if none of your data gets mislaid, copied or hacked, it's a good idea to store copies of some key federal records for ...
Once again, the old saying that there are two things inevitable in this life: "taxes and death" takes relevance and it is for ...
The deadline for Congress to keep the government funded is only a month before the tax filing deadline, creating a whole array of new concerns and questions.
Tax preparation companies define simple returns differently, but most free filing services are limited to basic Form 1040 ...
The Trump administration reportedly started to lay off nearly 7,000 new workers from the IRS on Thursday, including many who ...