Israel is set to become one of the first countries in the world to mandate shocking images on cigarette packaging.
For Jews born before the 1980s, tattoos have historically carried a stigma. Associated with criminals, bikers, and sailors, ...
The Israeli government has rejected the findings of the UN report, which accused it of using "genocidal acts" and sexual ...
A student group at Davidson College is reportedly facing disciplinary action after handing out pro-Israel content on campus, ...
After backlash for pulling out of a Jewish festival, a bagel shop owner apologizes, acknowledging his mistake and pledging to ...
Critics of Israel’s military actions have in many ... One of his grandfathers, Frederic Henri Kay Henrion, was an influential graphic designer who fled the Nazis in 1933 and was subsequently ...
"They're burning the village now," one Syrian user reported on Facebook. "Which village?" another asked. "Please, we want the ...
Sharaa blamed pro-Assad groups backed by foreigners for triggering the bloodshed but acknowledged that revenge killings had ...
Bridget Rice joins Koenig & Bauer as the new Northeast territory sales manager. She takes over for Edward Heffernan, who ...
Coordinated protests against Elon Musk are being financed by billionaire philanthropist George Soros and moneyed Democrats.