St Patrick’s Day parades have long been celebrated in the US. Canada has an equally strong tradition. Its 2016 census recorded 4.6 million ­Canadians with Irish ancestry – about 12pc of the population ...
You write of those “wanting an Irish passport simply to avoid the non-EU queues at airports” (“Irish citizenship requests hit post-Brexit peak”, Report, February 25). I would advise that at Perugia, I ...
Leading Irish Americans in the US have written to President Donald Trump urging him to appoint a new Special Envoy to ...
If a rational and measured approach had been taken to decisions over what is officially known as the Maze Long Kesh (MLK) ...
Irish people have no need to apologise for our ... Elizabeth Cullen’s criticism of military strength achieving peace (Letters, March 1st) appears rather innocent in light of recent international ...
China has almost 2,500 equestrian clubs with about 700,000 members and the number of enthusiasts has grown with the country’s ...
The successful bidder would be expected to reply to up to 55,000 children’s letters each year from early November to the last day of postage in December ...
Irish police said Thursday it had opened a probe into “criminal damage” at a golf course owned by US President Donald Trump, ...
Irish League goalkeeper Aaron Hogg has bravely opened up on a gambling addiction which he says was “like a disease” in the ...
A Drive reader kindly shared with me a fascinating letter from almost exactly 124 years ago which gives an insight into the ...
File picture: Denis Minihane An Post has sought bids for a contract to process and reply to thousands of letters posted to Santa by Irish children each Christmas. The postal body has sought bids ...