As a baby boomer, I was weaned on the Cold War and its contours. In college, I learned of the errors in American strategy ...
As the world undergoes rapid political and economic transformations with escalating conflicts shaking the Middle East, the ...
Shipments surged into Gaza after Israel and Hamas reached a cease-fire, even if they weren’t enough. Then Israel blocked the ...
U.S. President Donald Trump says he has ordered airstrikes against Iran-backed rebels in Yemen, and issued a warning to ...
Many observers suggest that the United States is coming apart as a nation. They parse us into red states and blue states, urban areas versus rural. Some believe that our ...
In this careful mapping of the terrain, Dahlia Scheindlin examines whether the forward march of women in Israel has been halted. She charts early revolutionary advances, assesses the scale of recent ...
He examines four parallels between centuries-old demonising historical views of ‘the Jew’ rooted in the western and Christian imagination and some contemporary views of Israel, the Jewish state. It ...
7 October brought on an explosion of vicious, conspiratorial propaganda about Israel and Zionism. From accusing Israel of perpetrating a genocide, to equating Zionism with Nazism, to whitewashing ...
Ernest Bevin (left) in 1942. Photo by Howard Coster, National Portrait Gallery. Creative Commons.
Chairwoman of the Status of Women Committee MK Aliza Lavie attends a ‘status of Women’ meeting, 3 September 2014. Photo by Noam Revkin Fenton. Flash90.