As per Mr Evaristti, he is hoping that his art installation will shed light on the cruelty of modern pig production in the ...
As the winter slowly comes to a close, King Frederik and Queen Mary of Denmark are looking forward to the summer. The Danish ...
St. Thomas is surrounded by several islands that make appealing half- or full-day trips. Take a 10-minute ferry ride from the Crown Bay Marina to Water Island. It’s a short hike over the hill to ...
I solidaritet med det ukrainske folk og for at sende et klart signal til omverdenen valgte offentlige institutioner, organisationer og private virksomheder at lade det blå og gule flag pryde facader ...
På Dannebrogs-Samfundets ordinære repræsentantskabsmøde i Kolding den 8. marts 2025, blev der valgt ny landsformand, Kim ...
En særlig lejlighed rinder mig i hu, hvor fire-fem inspektører fra diverse regioner i Kina med begejstring hyldede deres flag, som portvagten havde været flink at hejse – omgivet af ikke færre end ...
“So, on this Flag Day, we are saying to Donald Trump, we will never be the 51st state.” 5:48 U.S. tariff threats fuel Canadian patriotism Now more people are choosing to purchase and fly their ...
Feb. 15 marks the 60 th anniversary of the Canadian flag after it was first raised in 1965. “This year, more than ever, not only do we have to celebrate our flag but also remind ourselves what ...
Daters are often aware of red flags, behaviors to avoid or undesirable traits in a potential partner. But what green flags, or positive traits, should singles be on the lookout for? Frankie Bashan ...