Tom Olson, a student of Frank Lloyd Wright’s, designed the Clear Lake home starting in 1978. He also lived in it with his ...
WASHINGTON (AP) — The Senate finds itself on Friday in a familiar position, working to avoid a partial government shutdown with just hours to spare as Democrats confront two painful options: allowing ...
A competing bill by state Sen. Jeff Holy, a Cheney Republican, would also create a $100 million law-enforcement-focused state ...
The proposed development project would bring more than 300 homes to the former site of CRISTA's Island Lake camp.
Dozens of people across Washington state who worked at national parks and forests have lost their jobs in recent weeks, as ...
The clearing will begin March 17 at Silver Star Gate, near milepost 171, clearing the path west through the Cutthroat and ...
Susan Klungness was killed in her Bonney Lake home in March 1996 while her husband, Ronald Klungness, was at work. She died ...
Dressed in warm clothes, the overly polite agitators lined both sides East Mission Avenue in Liberty Lake on Tuesday ...
Army Corps knew Trump order would waste California water, memo shows’ In case you missed it, U.S. Senator (D-Calif.) recently ...
The body of an Atlanta teacher and coach who vanished last month while boating on Georgia’s Lake Oconee has been recovered from waters not far from where his fiancee was found ...
Alta reported Friday it has received over 400 inches of snowfall this season, making it one of the few in North America to do ...
Our aquatic plant specialist explains the differences between invasive and native milfoils, why native milfoils are important ...