Disney's animated sequel to 2016's original debuted in theaters across North America on Wednesday, Nov. 27 and earned a ...
Maxtime Pictures’ “Her Story,” a comedy-drama film told from a largely female perspective, topped the mainland China box ...
Walt Disney Co.’s new Moana 2 brought in ticket sales of $221 million in the US and Canada over its five-day Thanksgiving weekend, shattering the record held by the company’s Frozen 2 since 2019.
Moana 2' sails to Thanksgiving record with smash N. America opening "Moana 2," the sequel to the animated Disney musical about a spunky Polynesian teenager who embarks on seafaring adventures, scored ...
Moana 2 has officially taken the box office by storm, and the memes are already flying in faster than Maui can say, "You're ...