On December 1, 2024, the anime adaptation of Gnosia, a popular game, was announced through a promotional trailer released on Aniplex's official YouTube channel. Scheduled to air in 2025, no other ...
Gnosia, a popular 2019 visual novel with social deduction and RPG elements, is getting an anime soon courtesy of Aniplex.
GNOSIA, originally a visual novel game, is now getting a full anime adaptation, and it looks really beautiful from the ...
An anime based on 2019 social deduction visual novel RPG Gnosia is in production. You can check out the trailer and key ...
It was announced via Twitter that the GNOSIA visual novel has received a television anime adaptation! The anime is scheduled ...
A website opened on Sunday to announce the television anime adaptation of game developer Petit Depotto 's Gnosia sci-fi ...
Petit Depotto's Gnosia is the latest RPG to make the leap to anime. An adaptation was announced for the game over the weekend ...
Aniplex has announced a television anime based on the petit depotto-developed science-fiction “werewolf game” time loop ...
On December 1, 2024, the anime adaptation of Gnosia, a popular game, was announced through a promotional trailer released on Aniplex's official YouTube channel. Scheduled to air in 2025 ...