Smithfield police said two people were arrested and charged with arson for allegedly starting a brush fire that occurred last month.
An LA County judge ordered a pitbull who attacked a woman in Burbank to be spared from euthanasia and returned to its owners.
Black Forest Fire and Rescue is reminding community members of the fire hazards posed by candles and how to safely use them.
ASHE COUNTY, N.C. (QUEEN CITY NEWS) – Some school districts in the North Carolina mountains are adjusting their schedules due ...
Covering Netflix News Independently Since 2013. What’s on Netflix is not owned by or affiliated with Netflix or any of its partners in any capacity. The authors of this site also have no affiliation ...
Barbara, or Ashure in Turkish, is a sweet pudding that is not widely known in Greece but is commonly prepared in the region of Thrace and mostly consumed on Saint Barbara's day on December, 4. It is ...