George Lucas’ “Star Wars” producer Rick McCallum recently appeared on an episode of the “Young Indy Chronicles” podcast and ...
A lot of digital ink was spilled over the massive cost of The Acolyte, with smug haters blasting the show for its huge budget ...
It has been quite a long time since the Star Wars prequels sparked a frenzy at the movie theater, giving some fans a villain ...
T he release of the Star Warsprequel trilogy didn’t only mark the return of one of the most beloved franchises of all time ...
How can a single TV series cost that much? It’s expensive to bring the galaxy far, far away to television. That’s something ...
For years, Star Wars fans assumed George Lucas ’ only on-screen appearance in his own galaxy came in Revenge of the Sith , ...
One decision George Lucas made in Revenge of the Sith wasn't only bad for that movie; it also created a ridiculous plot hole ...
The scrapped TV show George Lucas planned in the early 2000s would have had a massive impact on the Star Wars universe, according to producer Rick McCallum. READ MORE: Here’s every ‘Star Wars ...
This one's a particularly small tribute to George Lucas. In the scene on Naboo where Queen Amidala ... and shows up in the ...
"The problem was that each episode was bigger than the films, so the lowest I could get it down to with the tech that existed ...
Star Wars' best TV show is very similar to one of George Lucas' passion projects; even he never intended the franchise to be ...
Many Star Wars fans know about George Lucas' cameo in Revenge of the Sith, but odds are they've never spotted his appearance ...