While a Columbus site home to a Methodist church has been listed for sale, the church’s leaders say they are working to find ...
A Chicago developer is poised to break ground on a five-story student apartment building that will replace a University ...
Redwood United Methodist Church says it’s serving people in need in Franklin County and beyond, turning the church into a ...
The United Methodist Church has filed a lawsuit against a breakaway beach church that dropped UMC affiliation from its ...
The United Methodist Church lost more than one fifth of its U.S. members last year, largely the result of a schism within ...
It will celebrate and explore “Thin Places” − when the distance between heaven and earth seems to disappear and we catch a ...
Funds awarded to Sarah Ross ’25 supported internship with a United Methodist congregation affected by disaffiliation ...
If you can’t get enough of Christmas trees, well, there is a veritable forest of them in Pittsburg and it’s about to be open to the public.
Newly reassigned UMC Bishop David Graves on post-splintering pivot amid new leadership role for Tennessee and Kentucky ...
Today at St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Midland they held their first ever children’s vendor event. “So we do ...
ALTON - Alton Grace United Methodist Church invites the community to their annual holiday open house.From 1:30 to 3:30 p.m.