Hollie Plemons took her seat before a panel of lawmakers in Austin to make her conservative case against school vouchers.
The bill is based on debunked claims that public schools were encouraging so-called furries. Lawmakers have used the claims ...
As state House members began debating a school voucher plan on Tuesday, Gov. Greg Abbott appeared more optimistic than ever ...
There is a disconnect between the rhetoric and what the bill actually says,” Democrat James Talarico summarized of House Bill ...
Gov. Greg Abbott, who has led the charge for the education savings accounts, says school choice will pass in the House this ...
The governor's remarks seemed to call back unfounded rumors that public schools across the country were catering to students ...
The committee recently heard testimony from educators and others on school vouchers, former Lufkin ISD superintendent, Roy Knight spoke against the bill. “Let’s put our money back where our neediest ...
With diminished power to block school vouchers this legislative session, Texas Democrats sought Tuesday to frame public discussion on the contentious issue around one question: Should the state allow ...