Farmers should be allowed to lethally control Eurasian Beavers under any plans to release the species in England, the ...
The Portuguese Rarities Committee has announced that Blue-crowned Parakeet has been added to Category C of the Portuguese ...
A new study has pointed out the perils of failing to take female birds and their behaviour into account in research and ...
Bird flu has caused the death of some 1,500 Sandhill Cranes in Indiana. In January and February, biologists with the Indiana ...
A large ex-dairy farm in Wiltshire is being turned into a chalk-grassland nature reserve with the help of the RSPB. Over the ...
The Irish Rare Birds Committee has announced that Booted Eagle has been added to Category A of the Irish list. The decision ...
Surrey Wildlife Trust has teamed up with the Dogs Trust to appeal to dog owners to keep their pets on leads at the county's ...
After studying the vocalisations and morphology of three populations of Banda Myzomela in Indonesia, ornithologists have ...
A funding deal aimed to reverse nature's decline has been agreed by countries at recent UN talks in Rome. After lengthy ...
A Danish study has found that Common Racoon Dog poses no threat to ground-nesting birds, despite assumptions that the ...
Ebb and Flow: A guide to seasonal living by Tiffany Francis-Baker (Bloomsbury, 2024). 256 pages, colour drawings, paintings, linocuts, sketches and diagrams throughout. ISBN: 9781399405744. Hbk, £20.
A dire winter for Bewick's Swan saw only 87 birds recorded at a flagship reserve for the species, the WWT has said. The charity stated that the swan population has declined by 86% at Slimbridge WWT ...