Namibia will host the Global African Hydrogen Summit. The Namibian government has ambitions to turn the country into a leading producer of green hydrogen for export to markets in Europe and elsewhere.
In this special edition of the Street Debate Fatou Muloshi is in Windhoek, Namibia to speak to school students, teachers and historical experts about Germany’s brutal colonial history in Namibia.
To make a direct call to Namibia From Germany, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Namibia mobile or land line from Germany. To call ...
German officers used black Africans as guinea pigs for horrific crimes later repeated by the Nazis during the Holocaust. Namibia was under German occupation from 1884 until 1915, when Germany lost ...
The Goethe-Institut Namibia will host a vibrant cross-cultural musical collaboration on 11 March at 18:00, featuring German ...
Namibia’s president ... which took hold over the former German colony after World War I. Although Mr. Nujoma kept ties open with the West, he found an alliance of convenience in neighboring ...
In 1884, German colonizer Adolf Lüderitz annexed Namibia, intending to finance colonial rule through minerals. Between 1904 and 1908, German colonial forces killed approximately 100,000 people ...
To make a direct call to Germany From Namibia, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Germany mobile or land line from Namibia. To call ...