The Gathering appear to be crossing over with an unexpected plane as the next focus and a potential new mix of fantasy to explore.
Despite D&D's anti AI statement, Cocks seems to suggest the company should bring in more artificial intelligence tools for ...
You can download Sigil now from D&D Beyond if all that sounds like something that would be of interest to you. You also get a ...
I reacted in a very grumpy fashion to D&D's announced virtual tabletop, now dubbed Project Sigil. Well, now it's here—with surprisingly little fanfare, I might add—and it's available to test out for ...
You may like Dungeons & Dragons' first post-revamp adventure book says hey, let's put some dungeons and some dragons in this thing Do goblin dice math, slap your D&D players with severed troll ...
An Eberron Unearthed Arcana takes another swing at the Artificer, with a new subclass, a revision, and several Dragonmark ...
D&D has crafting rules. Did you know? Here are five useful items you can craft straight out of character creation.