Looking for Geoculus in? Use this interactive map to find every single one of these Adventure Items in the Liyue region.
T he Genshin Impact 5.5 codes are here. Yet another version has passed, and that means a new livestream detailing all the ...
As an open world action title, Genshin Impact highlights its feature as freely explorable world, multiple playable characters, an in-depth elemental combo-based combat system and an engaging story.
Genshin Impact's most recent Special Program for Version 5.5 reveals three new codes that can be used to get various rewards including Primogems.
A new Hoyoverse game is on the horizon, and concept art has been teased for an adorable life sim in the latest recruitment ...
Seagate has revealed a brand new design to to their line of SSD's, as the new Genshin Impact Limited Edition External SSD is ...
An interesting fan-made concept combines Genshin Impact's new five-star character Varesa with Firefly from the world of ...